Thursday, February 28, 2013

Five Vincentians detained for illegal entry into Antigua-Barbuda waters

ST JOHN’S, Antigua -- A joint operation conducted by authorities in Antigua and Barbuda resulted in five Vincentian nationals being detained for entering the country illegally.

They arrived onboard a 30 ft. “go fast” vessel on Thursday 7 February 2013 and Randell Stephens, one of the five detainees was charged for possession of 26 grams of cannabis. In addition, a 25 ft. Antiguan vessel with drums of fuel onboard believed to be connected with the incident was also detained but later released.

On Monday, in the St John’s Magistrates Court, Stephens pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined EC$1,000 forthwith or one year in prison in default. The substance was ordered destroyed and the defendant deported as soon as the fine was paid.

The other four Vincentians, Allison Blugh (captain of the vessel), Ezekiel Robin, Phillon Joseph and Adolphus Lawrence also appeared before the chief magistrate as a result of charges filed by the Immigration Department for illegal entry. They all pleaded guilty and were ordered to be removed from the state immediately. The vessel on which the defendants arrived is being held by the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force Coast Guard.

The magistrate was then informed that the Customs Department also had an interest in the matter and the defendants were taken before the Comptroller of Customs and fined EC$15 000 payable immediately.

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